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The Rocky Butte Owners Association is a group of friendly and conscientious neighbors living in the Rocky Butte Natural Area in Portland, Oregon.  We are a group of thoughtful and fun people who like getting to know our neighbors and take care of the beautiful place we call home.

The group meets the second Wednesday of every other month to socialize and discuss the goings on around the Butte.  If you're new to the Butte, click below to join us and get to know your neighbors!

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Rocky Butte is a popular destination for people from all over the greater Portland area.  With its beautiful natural landscape and stunning mountain views, there is always something to see. Check out what people are sharing of the Butte on social media!

Rocky Butte has an interesting history both geologically and societally. Not only is the Butte an extinct volcano, it has also been home to different groups of people over time.

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